How To Use Pinterest To Increase Your Network Marketing Lead Generation

How To Use Pinterest To Increase Your Network Marketing Lead Generation

Pinterest is one of the best places for lead generation in your network marketing business.

I absolutely love using this platform for building my business.

It’s one of the most versatile platforms.  

But not only that, its main focus is a place for people to find things.

And most of the time, the things that are found on the platform can turn into buying conversations.

I cover all of this and more in my recent video.

Check out how you can start using Pinterest for lead generation in your network marketing business here.

Pretty cool right?

I know I love using the platform for the many reasons I stated above.

In case you missed any of those things, I’ll share again!

Because Pinterest for lead generation is a must!

I already stated this, but one of my favorite reasons I love Pinterest is because people go to the platform searching for things to buy.

Using social media platforms is not nearly as effective.

Let’s be honest, most social media platforms are meant for being social.  NOT for buying!

So because of this, in order to sell on platforms like Facebook or Instagram, we have to bend over backwards a little bit more.

There is more of an art to “social selling” on these platforms.

And how about organic reach?

Organic reach on platforms like Facebook and Instagram is at an all time low.  Especially right now.

Why you ask?

Well, these two social platforms are quite popular.  

And as a result, there are more and more people looking for attention on the platforms.

So unless you know some voodoo magic for creating viral posts on the platforms, you may struggle to get your information in front of tons of people.

But Pinterest is a different story!

The platform is GREAT for organic reach!

The reason for this ties into the third reason I love the platform so much.

It’s got such great organic reach because the platform is meant to be a search engine!

What that means is that people are going to Pinterest searching for specific things.

Which ultimately means that if you are keywording your pins properly, you can be found organically on the platform.

Can I get a “Hells YEAH” for that one?!??!!!

And last but not least…

My favorite reason to use Pinterest for lead generation in your business is because of the length a pin can live on the platform.

A post on Facebook and Instagram can generally live for about 2 hours after it has been posted.

If it’s a super amazing post, you can get up to about 4 hours out of it.

But on Pinterest this is a totally different story!

A pin on Pinterest can last for up to…  DRUM ROLL PLEASE…  4 YEARS!!!!

That’s right!  A pin can continue to create leads for your business up to 4 years after its posted!

In case you missed that, that’s pretty powerful!

Which is what makes me absolutely LOVE Pinterest for lead generation in my business.

Well there you have it!  I hope that was enlightening, and helped you understand why I think this is the platform to beat at this time in history.

If you’d like some more information on how to start building your business on Pinterest, check out this virtual workshop, presented by my mentor Chef Katrina.

She’s got all the latest and greatest techniques you can start using to learn how to build a hopping business on Pinterest!

Now Go Build Your Empire!


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Just wanted to let you know that some of the links in this post are affiliate links.  If you go through them and make a purchase, I will earn a commission.  This is at no extra cost to you. Know that everything I recommend I have personally used and can vouch for.  Please read my disclosure page for full details.

6 thoughts on “How To Use Pinterest To Increase Your Network Marketing Lead Generation”

    • Pinterest is great for selling period. It’s a gold mine if you know how to use it properly for products or services.

  1. I am on Pinterest, and I do use it for my business, but I had no idea that a Pinterest post could have that kind of longevity!! I’m about to check out the virtual workshop now.


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